Meditation des Tanzes - Sacred Dance originated in 1976 in Findhorn, a spiritual community in the north of Scotland.
The story begins with Bernard Wosien, (1908 - 1986). He studied theology, was an artist, ballet master, choreographer and especially a genius of life.
Bernard Wosien traveled a lot and was interested in folk dance, especially those from central Europe.
More so with the  Greek dances,  he began to feel and interpret the spiritual meaning of the dance movements. He felt his body as an instrument to bring out the movement he felt inside.

In Findhorn he was deeply affected by the way of life of this community and felt in his heart that this was the place where his insights became alive.
Bernard Wosien was the founder of this dance form, which is based on the "Méditation en Croix".

Bernard Wosien.....

"We want to pursue a goal in Sacred Dance, namely healing.
This implies that we are personally committed to initiating a development in ourselves "

"Tanz ist in Zeit und Raum bewegte Form für das Unsichtbare"

I am often asked why I call the folk dances, which I teach to others, "Sacred Dance."
"Sacred" means holy and has the purpose of being "whole"; It has a holy, sacred and religious essence.
A human being is a mental-spiritual being, and dancing can be a direct expression of sincere, spontaneous joy and, in particular, words-of all other emotions.
In this regard, dance is similar to music.
I could evaluate the value of the non verbal language of music and dance.
On the one hand, bringing into one line body, soul and mind; On the other hand, the revelations of ancient wisdom.
I traveled with a group to Greece and Yugoslavia so that we could learn the old European dances at the place of origin. In these countries the old circle dances are kept alive, and to me and my students they were circle dances of great joy.
The religious and cultural background of these dances unveiled more and more to me. One has to dance them and be completely in it to discover their meaning and healing power. Only then their religious origin does reveal itself - the way to unity, from separation to being together, to vibrating togetherness.
Since ancient times, the human being has been described as a worshipper with wings. 
In dancing we can get the wings, the wings of the New Age.  Our dance should therefore be our prayer, not only in the silent stepping of the andante, but also in the joyful leaps of the allegro vivo. 
I have been greatly concerned to teach at Findhorn those dances which reveal and express this sense of worship through form and symbol.
Many of the dances are done in circle, and the symbol of the circle is an important one.  Every point in the circle revolves around the centre and is equally far from it.  We dance counter clockwise towards the sun, towards the light.  Our right hand with palm up is the receiving hand; our left hand with palm down is the giving hand.  The right hand receives the light, the left hand passes it on while, at the same time, it links us with the past which in Latin is religio.  In this way we form a chain representing our sacred origin.
Through attunement to the sacred dances, we follow an esoteric path which in Greek is called esoteros hodos, the inner path.  For countless centuries people have chosen and followed this path—the path of the human being in search of the meaning of life. 
We are made in the image of God(dess).  Through working with our instruments, our bodies, we as dancers work—from within—on God’s (Goddess’s) image according to the esoteric saying “as above, so below.”  And in the dances we walk a path which leads to experience both of our own individual selves and also of the life of the group, the community. 
It has a naturally therapeutic effect, and so these dances lead to healing and wholeness. 

What I have come to realize after a lifetime with dance is that dance is a meditation in movement, a walking into silence where every movement becomes a prayer.

Der Du die Welt bewegst                                     Thou who movest the world
bewegst Du nun auch mich.                               now deeply movest me,
Tief greifst Du mich                                               Lifting me up high
Und hebst mich hoch zu Dir.                                from earthly depths to thee.
Ich tanz ein Lied der Stille                                    I dance a song of silence
nach kosmischer Musik                                       my steps set to cosmic music
und setzte meinen Fuss                                        And guide my dance
am Himmelsrande hin                                         to the brink of heaven
und fühle                                                               and feel
wie Dein Lächelen                                               how your smile
mich beglückt                                                     makes me happy
B. Wosien                                                             

Friedel Kloke-Eibl was gedurende vele jaren de naaste medewerkster van Bernard. Zij is samen met Bernard, de choreografe van onze vele dansen.

Ze stichtte aanvankelijk het opleidingsinstituut "Demian" in Nederland en leidt sinds 1990 het opleidingsinstituut in Duitsland.

Naar eigen zeggen was haar ontmoeting met Prof. B. Wosien een voor haar geheel transformerende ervaring .

"Meditation des Tanzes - Sacred Dance "
kan een toegang zijn tot een alomvattend Leven en Geloven
evenals een weg naar zelfontdekking
In de dans kunnen we tot uitdrukking brengen wat ons het diepst beroert
Sacred Dance - Heiligende - Helende dans - is een levend antwoord op de vraag naar zingeving
